Bali wedding package

Many hotels and a large number of wedding companies in Bali offer wedding packages.  This may be an easy and effortless option for the company offering the package. However, it may not be an ideal choice for couples wishing to create their dream wedding.


Each couple is unique and has their own ideas and expectations for their perfect destination wedding in Bali.  Expecting couples to conform to a standard wedding package means that certain compromises will have to be made.

And your wedding day should be about perfection and not compromises. Every couple has different ideas, needs, and expectations for their wedding day in Bali. Therefore, a tailor made wedding is the better option.

An independent wedding planner can assist and guide you to find the right venue and services to create your dream wedding. 

Read the fine-print

If you are obliged to take a wedding package through your preferred venue, then an independent wedding company that offers tailor-made weddings can certainly be invaluable.  They can negotiate on your behalf and also offer alternative options and services so you are not restricted by what is offered directly by the venue or hotel.

Wedding packages are often full of many small components which can be misleading to make you think you are getting a lot for your money.  Always read the small print,  a wedding package can be full off unnecessary bumf.  The actual definition of bumf is something that is usually unwanted, unnecessary and not interesting.

Choosing a wedding package to save costs can often turn out to be more costly

Often wedding packages have hidden costs for little extras.  To book extra services such as wedding cakes, photography, hair and makeup etc, it is more cost effective to book these through your independent wedding organiser as they can offer you a range of options at varying prices.

Having a wedding planner means it takes the stress out of your wedding preparations, and they will remind you of all of the little things you will need to remember when it comes to the lead up to the wedding.  Is a Wedding Package going to remind you about the finer details such as a wishing well, guest book and a pen. Probably not!

In short, wedding packages can make your wedding unoriginal and lacking individuality.  To avoid having a wedding the same as the last guest who took that package, spend your money wisely and employ an independent wedding company that offers tailor-made weddings.

If you want to opt for easy and no pitfalls wedding packages the check out the link below: 


To learn more about the pitfalls of Bali Wedding Packages you may also want to read: 

Professional rip-off 



Happy Wedding







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