Bali Villa wedding at Phelosa

Conceived, planned and arranged by: Jameela & team

Bali villa wedding at Phelosa The couple, who wishes to remain anonymous wanted to have a beach side wedding. Great vistas was something the bride requested. And they wanted , for reasons of convenience to remain in the Seminyak neighborhood. So we suggested the purpose built, beach side wedding villa: Phelosa. When we did a few site inspections with the couple a few month prior to their big day she immediately fell in love with the place and decided to have a Bali Villa wedding at Phelosa. Since the date of their wedding was in off-season we were able to negotiate very favorable terms for this Bali Villa wedding at Phelosa. Much to the delight of the couple. On the wedding day it was raining heavily – with no end inside. And it continued well into the afternoon. All the vendors at this Bali Villa wedding at Phelosa suggested to start building up for Plan B and move the ceremony away from the beach… But we insisted to wait until the very last moment. And magically about 30 minutes prior to ceremony it stopped raining. The tea from the décor and flowers had a bit of a hard time to get it all completed but with a little bit of pushing them they got it all ready in time.  The weather remained overcastted,  but that was not to spoil this magnificent Bali Villa wedding at Phelosa. For the reception dinner we could not ‘gamble’ and a marquee was prepared well in advance.  This is because it takes many hours to set up the marquee and the dinner tables. A troop of fire dancers started the evening while the bridal party was getting ready back in the villa. A while later the bridal party, followed by the newlyweds made their entrance. Once the dinner commenced it was a very casual evening with only formalities being a few speeches.  The party lasted well beyond midnight.  A Bali Villa wedding at Phelosa is a great idea as this particular venues has everything to make your big day in Bali perfect. Bali Phelosa wedding Bali-Phelosa-Wedding-02 photos Bali wedding Phelosa photographs of Bali wedding Phelosa photograph of Bali wedding Phelosa Bali wedding venue phelosa Phelosa beach wedding Bali Phelosa Bali decor photos Bali wedding Phelosa Bali-Phelosa-Wedding-01 Bali-Phelosa-Wedding-12 Bali-Phelosa-Wedding-13 Bali-Phelosa-Wedding-17 Bali-Phelosa-Wedding-18 Bali wedding planner Phelosa Phelosa Wedding Bali Bali weddings at Phelosa-2 Wedding Planner Phelosa Bali Bali-Phelosa-Wedding-19 Wedding Phelosa Bali Bali wedding at Phelosa villa photography of Bali weddings Phelosa Weddings Phelosa Bali Beachside weddings Phelosa Bali Bali Phelosa weddings Beachside Phelosa weddings Bali Beachside wedding Phelosa Bali Bali wedding planners Phelosa villa   If you are also interested in a Bali Villa wedding at Phelosa you may want to consider letting assist you. If you have any question about a Bali Villa wedding at Phelosa pls. send me an email. Jameela & team


  1. Jaydeen


    Im interested in this venue for my wedding
    could you please give me details about hiring and a quote for the wedding venue.
    Max 25 guests

    • Jameela T.

      Thank you – we already emailed you.


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