
I am absolutely thrilled to introduce to you to our latest member company: BALI VIDEO PRODUCTIONS INTERNATIONAL.  Their Bali wedding video cinematography is setting new standards for wedding video documentaries in Bali.

Under the management and supervision of two accomplished Senior cinematographers from Europe a team of experienced Bali wedding videographers creates modern wedding video journalism.

With the latest equipment such as DSLR cameras and various motion camera tools their films look more like TV documentaries or video clips. Many other video companies in Bali are still using the ‘old style’ of filming whereby a 1 or 2 tripod mounted cameras film a wedding from rather static perspectives. 

BALI VIDEO PRODUCTIONS INTERNATIONAL however uses moving cameras a lot, thus creating a much more visually engaging footage. Their editing style is also more like television documentary or even a well-produced video clip.

They even have in their arsenal of tools the same camera that was used to shoot the last James Bond movie and many other box-office feature films. A RED camera.

I recently had the opportunity to see them in action on a large Bali villa wedding and despite them coming as a fairly large team they have managed to document that wedding rather unobtrusively and their videographers blended in very well with the crowd at that wedding.

Their editing style combining music, voice and visual elements is recreating the emotions felt on your wedding day.

When the bride saw the video for the first time she broke out in tears – tears of joy – as she relived her wedding day in Bali.

A wedding video by Bali Video Productions International will be a timeless documentation of your nuptials in Bali and probably one of the best investments you will make for your wedding in Bali.

While their Bali wedding video services are a bit pricey they are definitely worth every penny you pay for.

In the following link you can see a stunning example of one of their HD Bali wedding videos.

To see more please head over to their website: BALI VIDEO PRODUCTIONS INTERNATIONAL

Happy Wedding







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