Bali Beach Villa Wedding

Bali beach villa wedding I love this Bali beach villa wedding because it was remarkably different. The main difference being that it was a Buddhist wedding. Without wanting to touch any religious matters Buddhist weddings are rather rare and I love the altar décor that usually comes with Bali Buddhist weddings. See the beautiful altar décor. Our clients, who were from the USA chose Bali because their main objective was to have a Bali Beach Villa Wedding. Why Bali, you may ask. They told us that nowhere else in the world could they find an affordable wedding in a large villa on the beach. We offered them several Bali Beach Villa Wedding options and they immediately fell in love with this particular villa because unlike many other villas which are located on the beach this was one of the few ones where you can actually see the ocean from the altar and from the guest area. Add to this the fact that the villa is conveniently located and was perfectly suited for the 60 guests that attended the wedding. What we like about this particular venue is that unlike many other beachfront villas one can actually see and feel the ocean because the villa’s grounds are a couple of meters above sea level. For a Bali Beach Villa Wedding it is also important what kind of beach you have. This one is very suitable because it is a beach that is still largely untouched by tourism. Therefore it is usually not packed with people. That makes it perfectly suited for photography. And indeed did the couple embark on a photo session after the ceremony was over. The reception of this Bali Beach Villa Wedding was no less spectacular. One of the highlights was the couple cutting the cake will large sparklers were going off in the background. Due to the weather being rather unpredictable on that day the reception was held in a large outdoor pavilion. This is another big plus point that made all of us choosing this venue. Even if it would have rained we still could have proceeded with the wedding because the venue provides several roofed areas.   Bali luxury villa beach wedding Buddhist Bali beach villas wedding Bali beachside villa wedding Bali beachside villas wedding Bali private villa wedding Bali wedding villas Bali wedding villas on a beach Getting married in a Bali beach villa Getting married in a Bali beach villas Bali beach villas for weddings Bali beach villas for wedding Getting married in a Bali beachfront villas Bali luxury villas beach wedding Bali beach villa weddings Bali Buddhist villa wedding Bali beach wedding villas Bali wedding villa on a beach Buddha wedding in Bali Bali villas for beach weddings Bali private beach villas wedding Bali private beach villa weddings Bali villa on beach for wedding Bali villas on beach for wedding If you have any questions about this fabulous Bali Beach Villa Wedding please drop us a line. You may also want to read: Cost of a wedding in Bali – Villa Weddings  - This article explains the cost of having a villa wedding in Bali. Happy Bali Wedding - Jameela & Team

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